Arithmetic/Math Tutoring

Tutoring in Arithmetic/Math will be done by Juf Paula, a certified Elementary, Middle and High school teacher.
I give private lessons to Elementary, Middle and high school children. I also teach students who want to pass their Math test for the PABO.

My standerd package starts off with a diagnostic test and an intake. Based on both, I create a teaching plan specific to your child. As soon as you OK the plan, lessons can start. Normally lessons are once a week, but more often is also possible.

For PABO students I have a different approach, see below.

Diagnostic test

For diagnostic purposes I take your child trough an oral test containing several arithmetic questions. They range from very easy to a little more difficult. We take the entire test together unless it becomes clear halfway trough that the questions are becoming to hard for your child.


My intake consists of a talk with you and your child. We discuss the specific problems your child experiences while doing math. Based on this and the diagnostic test I will make a teaching plan. Also I need to know which school your child attends and how specific math problems are taught. The books used at your school, concerning the problems your child experiences, will be very helpfull.

Normally I do not contact your childs school, unless you ask me to. In that case I can contact your childs teacher to ask about their views on your childs math problems and how they have treated those in the past.


Each lesson will be tailored to your child, based on the aforementioned teaching plan. In the lessons I will use methodbooks from “a World of Numbers” (Wereld in Getallen) which is used by many schools in The Netherlands. Also I have several work sheets and math-materials. Your child will get homework after each lesson, depending on the content of the lesson. I will assume you make sure your child does the homework before the next lesson. The next lesson we will check the homework, eleborate on it if necessary and continue the subject at hand or start a new one.

Lessons for  PABO students

My approach for PABO students is a little different. I will skip the diagnostic test and go straight to the intake talk. During the intake the student will tell me about their specific math-problems . Based on this talk with the student we start the lessons. These will be tailormade for the student. For these students I also use methodbooks from “a World of Numbers” (Wereld in Getallen) which is used by many schools in The Netherlands. Also I have several work sheets and math-materials. In addition I also have a digital summary about teaching math to childeren (unfortunately only in Dutch).

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